4 Misconceptions about Inspiration

Inspiration is characterized as a feeling of pressure (Good Pressure *) stimulated by Ms. Brainiac to attempt a specific activity or interest of an individual (The Oxford Dictionary). It has come to my attention that sometimes, this term is misunderstood when put into context. The following are 4 Misconceptions that I've noticed about Inspiration. Please do give a read, and don't forget to follow my blog, like, comment, and share!

 1. Inspiration and Motivation are driven by the same Forces

Not exactly. To be inspired is to be stimulated by Ms. Brainiac to attempt an activity of interest, while to be motivated is to be driven by Ms. Brainiac to complete something that needs to get done. 

2. Inspirational reads are simply 'Cheesy' Content

I thought you'd say so. But I think you caught the wrong idea here. When read with a purpose, inspirational reads set you up with the ability to process your goals, ambitions, and motives with a spark of passion. These texts aim to not only inspire one individual at a time, but they also allow for the transmission of inspiration from one person to another too. 

3. Inspiration is Overrated

Actually, inspiration is a highly underrated concept. We often get wrapped up in our busy lifestyle, letting the inspiration we require to slip away from us. We fail to not only utilize it on a daily basis, but we also fail to talk about it with our peers. We often forget that inspiration is simply a tool that wakes us up to new possibilities, allowing us to perceive our own capabilities with a sense of empowerment. And when we share our inspiration with those around us, we stimulate them to never give up in the interests they sought to keep up to. So learn to utilize inspiration more often to lead a more positive, and exceptional way of life.

4. Not all Inspirational content promotes Positivity

Again, another false misunderstanding. Inspiration is known for promoting positivity. It promotes challenges, sparks new ways of thinking, and works as a simulator to get going with your interests and passions. Moreover, by being an inspiring individual, you tend to seek better, reach further, and leap higher. That is indeed positive.


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